Dining & Lodging

Places to dine and stay overnight.


Dining Option 1- Kuronekodō

Found in the South East Tashirojima, cats are free to enter the resturant as they please.

They are popular for their Cat shaped rice dishes.


Dining Option 2- Tashiro Island Olive Cafe

The second dining option on the island is located in the same area as the last and just opened a few months ago.

The serve similar food, but is popular for it's tea. Cats also freely walk into the resturant.


Lodging Option 1- Endō Shōten

A budget Hotel on the Nothern part of the small residental area. Many cats like the resturants, come around by the inn. Google Maps gave it 4.0 stars.


Lodging Option 2- Fujiya

A higher budgeted inn is found on the Southern part of the village. Due to it's location, less cats come to stay but you are much closer to the dining spots. Google Maps gave a score of 4.7 stars.

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